'Gun Violence Archive' gives live updates on gun related crimes in the US. The incidents are collected from 7,500 sources daily (Incident Reports and their source data are found at gunviolencearchive.org).

My company (at the time) approached the GVA team to volunteer a brand update for them. 3 members of our design team put forward their own pitch, and the below is my concept.

This theme takes a literal approach to the visuals to evoke an emotional response, reminding the audience that this is not just statistics, but real world data.
The title, Take Aim, refers the physical act of aiming a gun as well as taking a stance against gun violence and encouraging people to be better read on the subject.

Whilst my concept was not chosen for the rebrand, the client was interested in adapting my design concept for their presentations at High Schools. 
Below are my final presentation boards sent to the client (click to expand).
Logo variations
Logo variations
Colour palette
Colour palette
Campaign infographics
Campaign infographics
Social Media - Twitter
Social Media - Twitter
Social Media - Facebook
Social Media - Facebook
Social Media - Instagram
Social Media - Instagram
Here is some of my work process, including an unused gun infographic concept, and some character illustrations for pattern-making (click to expand). 
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